Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is history as we know it, the REAL HISTORY as it happened ?

History is one of the most fascinating things. For me it is hard to believe it sometimes. I can't. But it amazes me.

Such a shame that we cannot trace back as to what exactly happened in the past. There are records and accounts for most of the events in history, but sadly they are all shady and unclear. For every event in history, there are as many records proving it as false as there are that say it is true. This results in 2 sects or possibly a third or a 4th, for each and every such event in history, which instead of serving the main purpose of teaching history just creates tensions and confusions between people. Such a shame I say again that we, the present generation cannot gain access to the exact turn of events in the past. There are people who disrupt the actual records and introduce duplicate or false reports to satisfy their own personal needs and contests. In the process disrupting the history, changing the exact course of events. This , our generation is the first generation using Internet, so lets see whats in store for the future generations about their history i.e our present. Maybe the Internet will play a better role in teaching our future generations about their history, than what we could understand about our history.

But Internet's role as a record keeper and encyclopedia has two sides to it. Apart from being easily accessible, easy to use, cheap and very extensive, it can also be easily manipulated by anyone and gives the freedom to anyone to publish almost anything about any topic. As my professor was saying the other day " There is too much of shyt out there on the Internet. What you choose is important".

I agree totally with him. Let me give you a few instances from the recent past. 2 very debatable issues. The most recent one is the 9/11. I was not in USA when the most horrific and tragic incident in America's history happened. I just followed the turn of events from what was broadcasted on TV, written in newspapers and mostly from the Internet. There was no sense of doubt initially that, it was all a terrorist activity. Slowly emails started being forwarded to people and several sites posted several stories, about how all of this was pre-planned and turned out to be an inside job. Well, I was totally shocked when I encountered this. Curious and perplexed I did extensive research online. What's the end result ? There are enough facts that show it was totally an inside job. Now as a layman, or even a common man, what should I believe. I want to know the truth, but I am just being flooded with enough facts from both sides of the story. I was slowly reminded of the movie 'V for Vendetta'. So as usual, I don't know for sure what happened.

The very next example, would be NASA's first shot at the moon in 1969 when Apollo 11 commanded by Neil Amstrong landed on the moon. It was such a great step for mankind, that we came up with quotes like, 'One Small step for man, One giant step for mankind'. As a kid growing up, when I read about such miraculous things like these, I was just very excited and always wanted to go into space. Travel in space. But once I started growing up, life wasn't exciting anymore. Most of the things that I read or was made to believe as a kid turned out to be false. There were these videos and e-mails on the Internet which said, the entire landing on the moon in 1969 was one GIANT HOAX. Think of what would have gone through my mind or any other kid with similar dreams. It's like all my dreams have been squashed in a minute. That day I gave up all my dreams of working in NASA and travelling the space. Of course, I still want to travel in the space, but you know what I am talking about, don't you.

The situation gets worse when we get into areas which are more spiritual and religious. Also topics which deal with the ancient past are too hazy to even talk about. There are so many different groups that talk about the existence/non-existence of Jesus. When it comes to India, there are so many groups which say that the classic epics like 'The Ramayana' and 'The Mahabharata' were just works of fiction. Yet, there are scientific facts which show the existence of both Jesus and the Hindu epics. Recently, studies have shown the existence of a rocky bridge connecting India and Sri Lanka, which was talked about in the Hindu epic 'Ramayana'. It is supposedly visible from the moon. Similarly, there have been carbon radioactive tests which show that they found a cloth in which a 'Jesus like man' was covered, from Jesus's time.

I can keep going on and on about examples like these. It is such an intriguing experience to read about articles or works like these, which show that the ideas that have been instilled in us, are all true. This gives us ( at least me), a warm sense of assurance. But sadly, there are enough detractors who try their best to make the truth, as hazy and as confusing as possible. In a way, they do succeed in what they do, because for instance, look at me write this article in confusion. But well, I am confused. There are enough facts to support each argument. Which one do I choose in this case? Should I go with my belief ? If I go ahead with my belief, what is the point of looking at facts in the first place? Can someone please relive me of this misery ?

Why do people have to make everything in life so difficult ? Why does every small thing in life be manipulated ? We are not even sure anymore, what 'they' speak is true and what 'they' speak is false. It is like 'they' are just laughing at us, by making us believe, what 'they' want us to believe. I feel I have no more control over my life. My life runs according to how ' they ' want us to run our lives, by making us believe what ' they 'want us to believe. 'They' only let us know, what we are supposed to know. As a citizen of planet Earth, I ask, why am I kept in dark, about 'ALL' the details, that there are to be known ? Isn't this hypocrisy ?

As I said, earlier, I can simply say, please relive me of this misery !!!!! I don't believe history no more. Fill me in if you have 'Brighter' ideas.

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