As the name suggests this article is on Religion. On another day, when you would see the Sun rise from the East, you wouldn't see me talk much about Religion, Politics or Sensex. The first one is too sensitive and biased, the second one, well, I don't really give much of a damn as I think everything in politics is phony and the third one, I am challenged to talk about it.
But today I present my take on religion, as I feel I have experienced enough to talk about it. I strongly believe the best teacher in life is one's own experiences, I have enough so I feel I am worthy enough to talk about it. In any case, it is my take on religion.
Having been brought up by 2 broad-minded individuals, it is but natural that I am not an extremist or a hardcore orthodox person. Also add the fact that, my many friends and 2 relationships with 2 beautiful girls, were from the 2 other different religions. I believe that religion is something that should not have existed in the first place, it is one of the many bad things man has introduced. It is just another reason, for man to discriminate among themselves and all it does is create tensions and group-isms among people.
Yet, I also believe that the world does not run on its own, according to the rules of science. Sure, Science explains many things around us, but it is not because of science that the things are the way they are, as we see it. I believe, strongly at that, there is a supreme force which controls all this. I would not like to give this supreme force a name, because I do not know for sure. I prefer calling it an energy or a force. There are so many miracles, in this planet and the unknown parts of the universe and if someone says science is the only reason behind all these miracles, I would strongly disagree. The beauty of a zygote forming from a sperm and an egg, a child growing in a mom's womb, the mind and the things it can do, the imagination of the human mind, the power of the memory of the human mind, are a few of the vast examples to the miracles on this planet. There is definitely a force, which is co-ordinating these super-humanly deeds. If it wasn't super-humanly, man would have already understood what the mind is and replicate it or create a sperm or a egg on his own. Man tries to come up with explanations through science for all these miracles, for things which have been in place much before man even existed. This has been in place for millions of years now and we are trying to find answers to them now, through science. So saying, Science is the sole reason behind all these activities, is a little far fetched. For this very reason and the fact that I believe religion should not have existed in the first place, I call myself a 'Spiritual but not a religious person'.
Having said all that, deep down I am still a religious person. It may sound like an irony after what all I said above. But, we do not know for sure, do we, about anything that happens at a level, above which we cannot understand. And I do not take a decision or rule out a possibility, until I know for sure and when it comes to talking about super-power ala 'God', one (I) can never be sure, except for say, the belief. So I do have the belief. These beliefs have been imbibed into me, when I was a kid. At an age, when I was not mature enough to take my own decisions, my parents instilled in me some beliefs about the religion that they followed. I was born a Hindu and so I have my beliefs from Hinduism. When I was old enough to take my own decisions, my parents gave me the freedom to choose whatever I wanted to, they trusted me, they trusted their own upbringing, they knew I wouldn't falter. Present day, when I am 23, old enough to have my own kids, I am very thankful to my parents for having introduced me to a religion, in this case Hinduism.
I have had my moments too, I have also been through those phases, where in I was trying to be an atheist or an agnostic. I was convinced back then, that science can explain everything and I have never seen this so called God. But strangely, subconsciously when I was in troubles, or when I was tensed or when I was going through the worst days of my life, I always used to talk to this so called 'God'. Asking 'him' to give me the strength, to get out of this mess. When I realized what I was doing, I simply had to drop the idea that I was an atheist or an agnostic. I still remember, I was happy to tell people I believe in God once again. I wasn't shameful !!!
Here comes the importance of religion in one's life. A better way of saying it would be, how it has helped me in my life. I still stand by my previous statement that, if given a chance , I would have still tried my best to remove religion away from people's lives. In that case, something else would have taken the place of religion.
The point I am trying to get at is that I had someone to talk to, in my bad times, without actually revealing what I thought about something to someone in particular, like my parents, sister or friends. I always had someone to talk to, i.e I am referring to 'him' or 'God' or 'Super-power'. This way I stayed out of troubles. More importantly this helped me not take any of the easier shortcuts in life. I know many people who chose to go in the dirty lanes, feeling sorry for themselves and having no one to talk to. They ended up doing drugs, etc and spoiling their lives. I never had a reason to do that, because consciously or sub-consciously I always talked to that someone and told him my problems. I guess, that has been the biggest advantage of being introduced to religion at a very young age. I will always be thankful to my parents for that and I wish to do the same to my children, when they are young and still are not independent enough to take their own decisions. Of course, once they grow up it is their own choice. I have been tutored well on bringing up children, thanks to my lovely parents. I am a perfect example :).
Now I hate getting into which religion is good and which religion is bad. I tried my best not to take the names of religions in this blog. I do not want to make this blog a hate blog. I do not want to be biased. One simple point is that, almost every religion has about millions of people following it, which is enough to show that there is good in every religion. I am sure no religion orders people to do bad. Just that in few cases, the people who preach religion to others, they mess up the whole concept of religion and instill their own ideas and manipulate what must have been written in the holy books, thus misleading the people. It doesn't help that, The Holy books have been written in such a way, that more than one meaning can be deduced from most of the lines.
But before I round up, I would like to state a few facts which really hurt me. Religion is one thing, which should not be forced onto anyone. Each religion has its own good points and people should be free to choose it, just like how my parents gave me the freedom to choose what I wanted, after I was mature enough to take my own decisions. It is rather disheartening to know that there are people out there converting people from one religion to another, by preaching. I strongly disagree with this, because I know of many cases, where people have been converted by giving them bribes or other materialistic gains. The whole point of converting all the people on the earth, to one religion and the war of religions is so ironically materialistic. Religion is something which is not materialistic according to the holy books and the present day religion is all about materialism. For this reason I detest missionaries, all I want to say is leave the people alone, let them choose what they want to, instead of forcing it onto them. If one forces it onto them, what is the use of becoming mature enough to take ones own decisions themselves. As a closing point, I am proud to be a Hindu, which is one such religion, which does not allow conversions. If you are not born a Hindu, you are never a Hindu. I am proud of the fact that I belong to such a religion, which preaches the good in it, but does not convert people from other religions to its own. As I said, every religion has both good and bad sides.
Having said all that, I know many successful people who are atheists. I am not advocating all people to be religious here, I was just trying to share my perspective on religion and how I guess it helped me. Finally, at the end of the day it is all in one's head. It's the emptiness in ones life that has to be occupied by something. What we choose to fill that emptiness with is what defines one's life. An orthodox person fills it with religion, an ardent Boston Red Sox fan can think only about Red Sox, a drug addict uses only drugs to keep himself pre-occupied, a money-minded person thinks of ways to become rich, a scientist thinks of ways to make the world a better place and of course become famous in that process. So if I have the power to remove religion, I would remove it forever from our lives, so that we can have a tension free and more united society.
All of the people above, have something in their life, and that something becomes their life.
So remember, what you choose, defines your life ;)
1 comment:
First things first, I loved it and agree with many parts of it... Religion can become corrupted, and sadly often times does. But that's not saying that the religion in itself is a bad and corrupted thing. Being raised a Christian, Non-Demoninational but also attended a Lutheran school for seven years and having family and many friends who are Catholic, Baptist, Asembly of God, Lutheran, Morman etc, and also from the mission trips I have been on I have seen how some people, many actually, lose sight of what being a Christian really is. They begin to judge those struggling with sinful ways, that to them seem far worse than their own, and do not see their own wrong doings. In my religion a sin is a sin and in the eyes of the Lord they are all equal and it is His forgiveness and understanding that sets us "free" and gives us eternal life. They (some Christians) become hippocrites, think of themselves are being better than others because they have a "stronger" or "better" walk with God but infact it is that sort of behaviour that the Lord looks down upon. (I do have a point I am getting at) But we are all human and it is inevitable for anyone of us to not sin, we do it without even knowing we's human nature. There are many of these Christians who say they are "reaching out" to those in need, the poor, the weak, the helpless but when someone who has a bad drug problem, or a marriage torn apart from adultery, or a child born out of wedlock, they shun them and look the other way, or harshly judge them and avoid associtating with them. What they do is all for show. Many of them get lost in "traditions" and have false spirituality... the very thing Jesus got upset about in the Temple (Matthew 12) and came to break the mold of. It is not traditions and celebrations and knowledge of the Word that makes someone a "good Christian", it is where there heart lies. It is having that love and relationship with your Creator. Some of the ones who do not know the scrpiture well, or attend church regularly, or become involved in Bibly studies or missions have stronger walks with the Lord (btw, walk is a term we use for relationship, for it is a journey, life is a journey with the Lord) for their heart is exactly where it should be. Even though they struggle and sin, they love the Lord with all their soul, body, and mind and are weak to the temptations of man and the world. It is something they are constantly struggling to change. Also, I agree one should never be forced into a belief or religion. I hate how you are a missionary basher but for the experiences you have first hand seen of some in your country, it is understandable. It is a shame and wrong for someone to bribe them into a religion and I'm sure it is not pleasing to God... their day of judgement will come. But as you know, I hope to one day become a medical missionary and travel the world for God, setting up clinics, giving much needed medical care, and traning others to fill my place when it is time for me to move somewhere new to continue my work. On my missions I have never once forced or preached to someone who was not interested in hearing the word, nor did anyone on my trip, for it says "not to feed pearls to pigs" and also not to boast on the street corner. I cannot stand people who do that. It is the very thing that makes those who are unsure, run away. If people are curious about our God, this forgiver of ours, we will gladly answer any of their questions and share life stories of how it has changed us but only if they seek it. They become curious by seeing things happen... in our lives, or practice, or in how we handle the hard times. They become hungry for the knowledge. And then (need to go, writing too much) when it comes to filling that void with something. Some choose religion, others drugs, or money, or material possesions, or idolistic things... yes I agree on this but being someone who has been down the drug road, and has friends who are striving for riches or materialistic things to fill that void and complete them and make them happy... for what I have found and seen, and heard from elders... it is rarely ever achieved through worldly possesions, riches, drugs, and fame. Some spend their whole lives trying to find that one thing that fills it but really, the piece they choose never completely fits, they are never satisfied and they die never knowing what it is like to have found the one thing that completes them, and that is the Lord. I do not think religion would be the right term to use to "fill" this void but rather the Lord Himself for you can have the religion but never have the Lord. When He comes into these people's lives (anyone's) they are filled with joy, strength, wholeness, they find the difference between desires, wants, and needs. Life is good even through the hard times because it is Him who keeps us going. Him who gives us strength to make it through the storms. We are refined in the fire. And the most wonderful about having Him in your life is that when you love Him fully, and put all your faith, trust, and worries in His hands, you reviece and achieve wonders you never imagined. That's what religion and beliefs are all about, faith. Believing in the unseen, unheard. Trusting and knowing someone of something is out there taking care of you, guiding you, and giving you strength in your darkest hours. The one that provides for you, and in my religion, died for you. So what I am getting at is religion is great but one should never get caught up or become blinded in it. It is more important to have that relationship with the only one who will always be there for you in times of comfort, times of need, and times of strength. It is never right to force someone to understand your views and believe in your beliefs... the decision is solely up to them, in their hands and no one has the right to shove faith down another's throat. And that everyone has that void in their life and are constantly trying to fill, sometimes believing they have, but never completely do until they find the Maker and begin a relationship with Him. And that above all, faith is the most important thing to have. (to anyone who reads this extremely long comment (didn't mean for it to be this long) it is not intended to try to have the become a Christian if they are not. It is the only religion I really know about and have seen... there were very few non-Christians where I grew up... this comment is supposed to be universal. For God, the one who created life, for every pathway to Him (religion... they all come down to basically the same big man just have different perseptions and ways of getting there).)
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